Sunday, 27 November 2011

Lust for life

 Our dearest friend Céline passed away yesterday after her long and indefatigable battle with cancer.    Born in Tours, France in 1976, Céline came to London 10 years ago as a student.  After her completion of a degree in publishing at the London University of Arts, she embarked on a career in the prestigious French publishing house Hachette as a PA to the Manager Director.   Her keen intellectual interest also brought her to the Café Philo at the French Institute and she became a valuable friend to many of our café philosophers.  She had contributed many blog posts to this website and to our Forum:

Faut-il désobéir pour exister vraiment ?
La tolérance fait-elle progresser la paix?
Quelle est la question fondamentale?
La redistribution de la richesse est-elle possible?
Sommes-nous tous des philosophes?
Marriage Vs Love
Le souvenir appartient-il au monde spirituel ou réel ?
L'Art, est-il la représentation de la folie?
Celine in Mexico 2005
 In addition to her intellectual interest, Celine enjoyed an active social life in the bustling London scene.   She appreciated West End theatres and cinemas, frequented numerous opera houses in London and in Paris.  She was a member of a Salsa dance club, as well as a rock-climbing club. A passionate animal lover, she participated in several campaigns devoted to the protection of wild life.  In her Facebook account, she listed the following animal rights groups that she was affiliated with:
Stop Sara Palin from kills polar bears, Help Teach Empathy for Animals! STOP Abuse Beatings Brutality Cruelty Fighting Suffering & Torture, Aidez les bonobos du Congo !, SAUVONS LES TORTUES MARINES DE POLYNESIE, Soutenir les femmes battues contre la violence conjugale, Contre les combats de chiens, Animal Testing is MURDER!, Help stop DOG-FIGHTING,, Turn Facebook Pink For 1 Week For Breast Cancer Awareness, STOP DANCING BEARS, Dolphin Massacre in Japan, Stop the Animal Abuse, Animals Skinned Alive! Help Stop Chinese Fur Farms!, SAVE SOUTH AFRICAS RHINO,

Celine’s cheerfulness and her optimistic outlook of life in spite of her terminal illness were an inspiration to us all.   I take this opportunity to invite you all to share your thoughts on our website.

Celine, Rest in Peace. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

French Revolution and today's world

We can see some interesting parallels between the situation today and the pre-Revolutionary France of the late 18th century.  Join the debate at our Forum:

Conspiracy or just the natural course of event?